First week of office

So I wrote this on Friday but didn’t have time to post it. Work is actually busier than I thought. This new place I work is intense. They do like real work…not that the previous place I worked wasn’t real work but they didn’t keep me this busy. Since I haven’t really thought of a topic to write about, I’ll just write about my office.

So I am doing my 4th coop term at Smith+Andersen (doesn’t have anything to do with The Matix…I think). It’s an electromechanical company but it has branched out to sustainable options and power efficiency. I was so excited to work here and currently I am pretty happy working here. The people here give me all sorts of work and the working structure is so much more different than other companies. I don’t have a direct supervisor. I don’t report to one particular person or get work from one person. You kinda have to go around the whole Electrical dept looking for work. But after the first day people just start giving you work and it gets very busy. But the work timings aren’t so bad 8:30-5:30 from Mondays to Thursdays and 8:30-1pm on Fridays. So Fridays are pretty chill. Also Fridays are casual dress day.

My main problem with this type of work structure was that I had to talk to a bunch of people. I was terrified. Luckily there are other coop students so it kinda eases the nerves a bit but I have no idea how to talk to people.

Talking about other coop students, there are 2 other Electrical engineering students. They are Jansen (finished 2B…he is in the other section…same year though) and Jimmy (finished 2A). Jansen is an extrovert. So happy and open all the time. Jimmy is a bit quiet and soft spoken. But they are both pretty cool.

So the people around me are Edmund, Nick, Michelle, Ryan and Paul. Edmund is really nice. He gives me the most amount of work. And then there’s Nick. He has this 90s spiky hair hairstyle with a goatee and he swears like it’s the end of the world. He uses “fuck” to describe everything. It’s kinda fascinating hearing him. I just spend my days listening to him swear. The other 3 I haven’t interacted much with. They are either very quiet or not there. There are a lot of people in the Electrical dept, I am not going to name everyone since I don’t even know their names. The receptionist Nadia is very sweet. I like her. I speak to her every day.

Side note I have been doing pretty good on my New Year’s Resolutions. I have missed only 1 day of lessons for Spanish (that was because I fell asleep early). I have been collecting items for my comic con costume. I haven’t started putting them together but once I get most of the stuff I will start on the mask. New blog per week is probably not going so well but now that I have a general idea of how my office works, I’ll get into the rhythm. Haven’t been able to cross anything off my bucket list yet but can’t expect things to happen in 1 week. And about meeting new people, well my co-workers are new people so let’s see where that leads.